TES Truck Stop Felixstowe Ipswich Suffolk

Security and comfort with access to so much.

Visit the safest and most secure truck stop in Britain.

Everything you could need on-site, with access to the beach and more just 2 minutes walk away.

Drivers Rest bunk - Struck Stop
Secure Parking Barrier Overnight Parking Felixstowe
Felixstowe Truck Stop Drivers Area.
Felixstowe beach and Felixstowe Pier

Truck Slots

Car Chargers


All you would expect from a truck stop, and more.

Short Term

Short stay HGV.

  • First Hour Free
  • 1-2 Hours £4
  • 2-3 Hours £8

Long Term

Longer stay HGV. 

  • 3-6 Hours £16
  • 24 Hours £34.50
  • Weekend £60

Payment Page

Check out the payment page for long and short term car parking with EV Charging on-site.

Rest knowing you are –


Since opening in March 2024, we have had no reported criminal damage, theft or tampering of loads.

At the very end of the A14 in Felixstowe Suffolk. 

We are a haulage company that set up a facility to keep you, and your load safe while you are with us.

Secure Parking Felixstowe Ipswich

Thank you for considering staying with us.

Do not trust the post code.

5 Walton Avenue, Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 3HH

Use the How To Find Us Button. 

Phone Number

0330 221 5965

